Product Overview
It's that time when we start to turn over some of our demo samples. We have 2 ASP Cases full of a bunch of great equipment. These items are all current but we just bought a few extra so we could offer this deal out to some of our customers.
With this kit you all the great contents below plus a Nanuk case included for free. Overall the entire case would normally cost $1100 not including the case itself which is branded so you're getting this for almost 50% off original price.
22463 50 cm Talon Infinity Baton $175
52463 Revolution Scabbard $63
07367 Sig M17 Training Red Gun $69
52261 Agent 40 baton $192
56060 Ultra Cuff Chain $79
56070 Ultra Cuff Hinged $94
(2) 56130 exo case $46
35674 Raptor DF Flashlight $197
35661 Raptor Tactical Light Case $35
56316 Blue Line Handcuff Key $24
18650 Lithium Flashlight Battery and case $55
53050 Retractable Plus Micro USB Charger Yellow $16